Thursday, September 9, 2010

StudioM | Day 730

It's really been 730 days (AKA Two Years) since StudioM became my full-time job (AKA Life)? Sheesh. I feel like I've worked somewhere around 729 of them. Though there have been some rough patches along the way and a K2-level steepness to my learning curve, I wouldn't change one single minute of it. I've had more than enough to keep me busy, great clients, fantastic free agent comrades and an every-loving office buddy in my Great Dane, Moozilla.

That said, I recently read a fellow entrepreneur label her second self-employed year "The Terrible Twos". Enter doom-filled music, right? I know. The interesting thing is, so far she is so right. I was born premature, so I guess it makes sense that my Terrible Twos began a few weeks early. In children, The Terrible Twos are a developmental period characterized by toddlers "being negative about most things and often saying 'no'. The terrible twos may also find your toddler having frequent mood changes and temper tantrums."*

StudioM is in a time of development which is cause for lots of growing pains and the practice of saying 'No.' The last few weeks have consisted of me diagnosing pains and flexing my just-say-no muscles. Five time to be exact. Pat on the back. (And if I must admit, the last few weeks have also included a pinch of negativity and maybe a temper tantrum. Or two. Retract pat on the back. Year Two is haaaaard.)

There's not a cure for every ailment and we're not entirely sure where the Clark & Company transition will take us, but boy oh boy are there some really cool things in the works. Saying 'no' to one thing is like saying 'yes' to another. Consequently, I really like what I'm saying 'yes' to, but there's lots of work to be done before I'll be honored enough to share it. In the meantime, let's celebrate the unknown in the future and the thankfulness that fills every day we are well enough, healthy enough and inspired enough to continue throwing, being creative.



  1. Congrats! Couldn't happen to a more talented woman!!

  2. Congratulations my friend. You've sure invested in your business and created something beautiful... over and over again.

    I am so proud of you and admire your work!

    Also note that toddlers being terrible get time outs. SOOO I have to suggest a time out... in Newberg... with the Wolffs soon :)

  3. My time out is starting now.....through October! I'll call you and explain soon, friend.

  4. Congrats! You're so talented and I know you'll find nothing but success ahead!

  5. Great Job Megan! I know that you will make it through it!

  6. Thank you one and all for your kind, kind words. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy.

  7. Congrats. I think your designs have great style and sensiblity. Keep up the great work.
