Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Things You Would Have Said | Design Concepts

Jackie Hooper and I only met a couple weeks ago, but we've already accomplished so much together! She needed a look and feel pulled together for her project, The Things You Would Have Said. I was commissioned to figure out what that look and feel should, well... look and feel like (in the form of a website header). While doing research I was struck with the drama of the project. Not only is it dramatic in a personal and emotional manner, but it's theatrical in the experience (whether you're the speaker or  the listener). The words Jackie used to describe the project are the same words used in describing the theatre: "personal, emotional, self-revealing, cathartic and therapeutic". One thing I strove for during the design process was the creation of drama using color and texture. Here are the three options I presented:

If you want to see where we ended up, visit The Things You Would Have Said twitter profile, facebook page, or website. WARNING: If you visit the website, you better have some Kleenex at hand. Don't say I didn't warn you. If you'd like to contribute your own letter, email it to wouldhavesaid@gmail.com.

This project has been noticed by many and written up by The Oregonian, The Oregonian again, The Oregonian a third time, and Portland MonthlyThere are many other inquiring (such as SELF Magazine, and newspapers around the nation) so this isn't going to be the last you hear of Jackie and her phenomenal project. If Oprah wasn't leaving her show I'm sure Jackie would get there, too. 

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