Monday, October 18, 2010

A Bavarian Getaway

Guten Morgen!

The weekend was spent getting my fill of German sights, sounds and tastes at Oktoberfest in Leavenworth, WA. It's a little Bavarian town in what are called the Washington Alps. It's the quaintest place. And everyone plays along...the outfits, food, signage and even the autumn leaves enchanted us to believe we'd traveled over the Atlantic to a small state of Germany and not just five hours cross-state. Some of what I'm showing you has to do with type and/or design/art, much of it doesn't. It's mostly just some fun, fantastical scenery that will provoke you to visit, too. Just fair warning.


I'm sold on growing hops at home now, too, BTW. They're so luscious-looking, especially when they're tumbling from a second- or third-story balcony.

Danke schön for the getaway, Leavenworth! We'll be back.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to go this winter! Nicely delivered Megan...
